If you are new to programming and wondering which language to learn then JavaScript is the language for you. If you go to Google and search the most popular programming language. You will find JavaScript at the top.
If you ask me, why JavaScript, then the answer is simple. It’s powerful, easy, and widely used.
You will find JavaScript in almost every big companies. Microsoft , Google, Facebook, Paypal, Netflix, Uber, Linkedin, Walmart and other companies you can name. it is so widely used that you can find it in almost every platform
JavaScript is simple to learn and very powerful. You don’t need to set up any environment to start. You just open your browser, go to console and just write console.log(“Hello world”); and there you go. You just wrote the first line of your JavaScript code.
If you are planning to become a web developer or app developer then you need to learn at least one framework like React, angular, Vue.js. These kinds of frameworks use JavaScript to develop web or mobile applications.
JavaScript is the future of web of mobile applications. If you want to become a developer then just go for it.